Middle-Zone Group

About Middle-Zone

The operation of the Middle-Zone group dates back to 2017, when we started as a community of players operating on social networks. The Firestorm Community Facebook page was used as our communication tool for server issues. In 2022, we became something bigger and decided to bring the community of players and services together and created the Middle-Zone group. It currently houses the services of community tournaments, communication services, the provision of game services, servers and email boxes.


We are at home in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, but we are building something bigger.


 Middle-Zone Group’s strategy is to create a whole platform of expanding services and functions around the players themselves, so that it becomes synonymous with all communities of the 21st century. The group’s vision and goal is to become the number one destination for the e-community, which means it will be the number one place for most people to go.

Official communication channels

Main page for group Middle-Zone: https://middle-zone.com
Informational email: info@middle-zone.com

Group members: 

Community Firestorm

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/firestormesports

TeamSpeak 3 server: ts3.middle-zone.com
Web page: https://middle-zone.com/firestorm


Mail server/service
currently only for private use.



Hosting for web/games servers/services
Currently operating only for Middle-Zone group and other selected partners.
More information about the service and any interest here: info@middle-zone.com

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